May 2020

Sheetal Pinto - 5/28/2020 06:00

Make Sure Your Email Marketing Content is Ready Too!

If your business is getting ready to reopen as coronavirus restrictions lift, you’ve got a lot of things to consider. Being proactive can save you some steps and protect your brand’s image under the new normal. As you’re buying more sanitizer and cleaning supplies, getting inventory ready and confirming details to reopen your onsite business, make sure to check your digital marketing status. Emails that aren’t sensitive to customers or provide tone-deaf communications can embarrass your business and reduce your response rate. Your audience is being bombarded with emails about COVID-19. Keep your message from being deleted in an over-crowded inbox by getting your digital marketing strategy in order before you reopen.

Sheetal Pinto - 5/21/2020 06:00


Most organizations in the world today are trying to figure out what is the new normal. Consumer behavior is changing. We saw it after Hurricane Katrina, the Great Recession of 2009, and 9/11. Smart businesses adapt their marketing to these changes. Whether it’s social media, print or email, your communication needs to be sensitive to your consumers. Empathy should be the overarching theme and tone in your emails during a crisis.

Sheetal Pinto - 5/14/2020 06:00

If it's Too Long to Read, it's Too Easy to Ignore!

The Neilson Norman Group, a company that studies user-experience, estimates that most users, on an average web page, only read a maximum 28% of the words. According to NNG, “more realistically, users will read about 20% of the text on the average page.” New users tend to read less, while an established audience may read more. Longer content isn’t always consumed by the reader. The TLDR syndrome, otherwise known as “too long; didn’t read,” is real. The solution is finding ways to keep the user engaged, rather than just posting shorter articles.

Sheetal Pinto - 5/7/2020 06:00

How to Maintain Quality and Communicate Positively

Even though many states are beginning to lift shelter-in-place regulations, COVID-19 will continue to be a major influence on consumer priorities and business trends over the next few months. The way you market your business and communicate with customers should reflect your brand and the current state of the economy. Here are content marketing guidelines that you can use to stay relevant to your audience and still maintain a strong online presence.