February 2014

Sheetal Pinto - 2/24/2014 19:00

9 Ways To Ensure Your Content Builds Thought Leadership.
There is one mistake which keeps showing itself over and over again – on websites, in blog posts, on social media and in the real world. It can be quite a difficult nut to crack because it is inherently tied in to human nature. BUT break the habit we must in order to succeed online!

Sheetal Pinto - 2/18/2014 19:00

Search engines are struggling to maintain market share as users move to social for answers. Rumors that Facebook is building its own search engine do not help the situation. As we speed along through 2014, do you know where you should be putting your effort to get the widest and most desirable audience for your content? Is it still the search engines? Or should you focus elsewhere?

Sheetal Pinto - 2/10/2014 19:00

When using a search engine, the very first result that anyone will see for a search term involving your brand, is not the search engine results. Instead they will see the auto-complete suggestions in the search bar. If these suggestions include negative terms, it can color the searcher's view of your company and your reputation. Try it yourself!

Sheetal Pinto - 2/3/2014 19:00

Over the years, there has been some truly boring content created in the name of marketing. Dull, verbose, too technical, jargon laden, and simply boring – all in the name of endeavouring to capture that lead or sale. Marketers have had to learn that with the rest of the web only a click away, content has to engage and inspire. Or suffer from a high bounce rate and an irate sales department left with nothing to do.