April 2014

Sheetal Pinto - 4/21/2014 20:00

Before Google…What was it Like?
Once upon a time, back in the pre-Google days, content on the Web required certain key factors to be found. Firstly, it had to be promoted on IRC (Internet Relay Chat), bulletin boards, or similar because there were few search engines and SEO was even more of a black art then than now. “Which search engine are you optimizing for?” meant that techniques had to be many and varied to suit multiple engines.

Sheetal Pinto - 4/14/2014 20:00

Everyone is now creating content. After all, content is king. You cannot rank highly in the search engines, attract the right visitors, or acquire true leads, conversions and sales without high quality, fresh and unique content. But where does your content budget go? And how do you evaluate the return on investment to ensure your content strategy is accurate?

Sheetal Pinto - 4/7/2014 20:00

Your content is being regularly produced according to your editorial calendar. You are beginning to grow your audience, but you are not quite sure what is producing the best results nor how to improve the situation. Because there is always room for improvement, right?

Sheetal Pinto - 3/31/2014 20:00

As the need to create content drives all of us into a writing frenzy, it is important to make sure that your content is achieving its primary purposes. That is: to satisfy and engage your audience, realize your desired business goals, and thirdly, appeal to the search engines' algorithms. But how do you know it is working?