January 2017

Sheetal Pinto - 1/25/2017 19:00

Tips for Turning Your Stats into Stories
The trends don’t lie and show no signs of letting up: Big Data is still a big deal in marketing. Beyond forecasting, budgeting, and demographics, are you getting the most from your data? Consider using those figures to inform and produce your marketing content.

Sheetal Pinto - 1/18/2017 19:00

Master Your Marketing Content with Helpful Tools and Tips
Ready to put your company’s marketing strategies into action for the year ahead? Whether you have ambitious plans to add more channels to your strategy, invest in developing new types of content, or simply want to update and master your approach to existing platforms, MintCopy’s 2017 eBook series offers all the guidance you need.

Sheetal Pinto - 1/11/2017 19:00

Ensure Your Marketing Content has Longevity
Happy New Year!
There is an unmistakable drive in content marketing across creative industries and departments, to remain fresh and current. The problem with applying every trend that takes off is that your marketing content can quickly become disorienting for your audience. Plus, it can rapidly turn from on-trend to outdated or passé, contributing to a negative impression of your brand.