February 2018

Sheetal Pinto - 2/21/2018 19:00

Avoid These Copywriting Mistakes
Digital marketing for any business involves a broad range of details, from analytics to consumer testing to content. If your profits last year were not exactly what you were hoping for, you may need to make some changes. You might be surprised to learn that by making some modifications to your copywriting, you could experience a surge in the number of leads and conversions that your business sustains.

Sheetal Pinto - 2/14/2018 19:00

Words and Phrases to Avoid when Copywriting 
Effective copywriting involves a variety of elements. To achieve a body of text that will impact your audience, you may need to get in the habit of proofreading each piece multiple times. Issues to look for include redundancy, excessive wordiness, and usage of phrases and words that are not necessary.  

Sheetal Pinto - 2/7/2018 19:00

What Can It Do for Your Business?
Digital marketing bears several differences and similarities to traditional advertising tactics. Depending on what formats and strategies you choose, you will, ideally, find a combination from both the conventional and the modern that enhance your efforts to reach new customers.

Sheetal Pinto - 1/31/2018 19:00

Are the Search Engines “Hearing” Your Content?
“Okay Google”, “Hi Alexa”, “Hello Siri”, the list goes on. In the age of voice-based search programs like Siri, Alexa, Google Assistant, and more, users expect to find information faster, better, easier. For search marketers, meeting that expectation has become more challenging than ever! Audiences are talking to search engines, but do search engines hear your content? No, they don’t. They still need to read it and then communicate it to searchers by voice. So, how has the internet landscape changed for or against this new form of communication, and what does this mean for SEO ranking keywords?