January 2020

Sheetal Pinto - 1/30/2020 06:00

Focus Your Content Marketing Strategy on What Matters

The process of search engine optimization includes many methodologies, strategies and techniques to obtain high-ranking search results. A good SEO strategy includes content, keywords, titles, descriptions, backlinks and technical aspects of your website. To the inexperienced marketer, SEO can feel very complicated. In their eagerness to learn it and get it right, some marketers and business owners obsess over each little detail, hoping to eke out just a little more oomph in search results. However, the focus should really be on the foundation of SEO, i.e., content and links.

Sheetal Pinto - 1/23/2020 06:00

Effective SEO Practices that Boost Your Online Presence  

Sometimes, it’s good to go back to the basics—revisit, review, refresh and emerge at least somewhat better informed. It’s a new year and a new decade, but what’s new with SEO writing? How much of the old is still gold?

Sheetal Pinto - 1/16/2020 06:00

Creating Content for Humans Over Bots and Algorithms

They say, change is the only constant in life. Who was "they?" A quick Google search will tell you that it was Heraclitus, the Greek philosopher.