May 2024

Sheetal Pinto - 5/23/2024 06:00

But Play by the Rules and with a Clear Conscience

My last blog post was the first time I ever wrote about a deeply personal experience. It certainly was heartwarming and overwhelming to receive so many kind and encouraging messages from family, friends, co-workers, clients, and even some past students and interns. Thank you! Some business associates and clients also responded with feedback on my comments about the “AI-generated content elephant in the room”. Healthy discussions ensued and I want to clarify that I am not against AI-generated content. If your small or medium-sized business has time and budgetary limitations, and you cannot hire a content agency, professional copywriters, and SEO content writers, then AI tools may be the way to go. I’ve summarized the key questions clients are asking about this.

Sheetal Pinto - 5/14/2024 17:31

MintCopy’s Content Writers Are Ready to Power Up Your Game!

Hey there, wonderful readers!

It feels surreal to be back at my keyboard, tapping away after what seems like a lifetime. If you're wondering why I've been MIA, let me catch you up to speed. Towards the tail end of 2023, I found myself in a bit of a pickle, or rather, a crumpled mess of metal and broken dreams on the side of the road. Yep, yours truly was in a gnarly car accident that left me with more than just a dent in my bumper. I was in shock from an explosion that sounded like a small bomb going off, and 2000+ pounds of force hitting me like a bolt out of the blue.