September 2013

Sheetal Pinto - 9/18/2013 20:00

So, you think you’ve got your content marketing all sewn up? The problem is that the world of content marketing is constantly moving and evolving.  If it’s not another Google update upsetting the SEO apple cart, it’s another marketing technique that you need to master.  And to make matters worse, there are a number of content marketing myths that can drive you to do the same things over and over with little in the way of results.  Let’s bust some of those myths right now and get you back on the right track.

Sheetal Pinto - 9/16/2013 20:00

With more and more businesses starting to embrace a content marketing strategy it makes it easier to analyze what works and what clearly doesn’t.  This week, MintCopy examines some common content marketing mistakes that you can easily avoid.

Sheetal Pinto - 9/10/2013 20:00

It's a question we often ask our clients and we usually get some standard responses such as:

Sheetal Pinto - 9/3/2013 20:00

In our world of SEO and content writing, we are hearing a lot these days about "predictive search", "contextual search" and other similar applications / developments that are taking web search to a whole new level of personalization.