September 2014

Sheetal Pinto - 9/29/2014 20:00

When you are writing content for your website, there is usually one aim in mind - to boost exposure and increase sales. To get the best results, it is important to understand your aims and your target market in equal measure. One is not more important than the other, because one cannot exist without the other.

Sheetal Pinto - 9/17/2014 20:00

See What it Can Do for Your Sales!
There are many reasons for writing online content, but the primary reason surely has to be to improve your rankings and your conversion rate. Your website copy should grab the attention the moment visitors arrive at your site. Whether you are informing visitors about a new product or an established service, showing them a special offer or updating your blog, your copy needs to shine.

Sheetal Pinto - 9/10/2014 20:00

For centuries, humans have been selling things to other humans. Be it products, services or simply an idea, perfecting the art and science of marketing can bring huge rewards. Where once our ancestors stood in a marketplace shouting about their latest offers, we are doing exactly the same; except, the market landscape has changed considerably.

Sheetal Pinto - 9/3/2014 20:00

In-person events are important and you know it. But marketing those events, especially during the last quarter of the year, can really be a strain.