August 2015

Sheetal Pinto - 8/24/2015 20:00

There are many companies that do not have an in-house writer. Creating content for a text-based world can seem scary without that seemingly vital resource. Even if you outsource content creation to an agency or hire content writers and copywriters, you still need to be involved in providing the required input and direction. However, it is no longer a world where content only revolves around words. Although strong copywriters should always form part of your marketing arsenal, you should also consider other types of content that goes beyond simply words.

Sheetal Pinto - 8/17/2015 20:00

As a content marketing agency, our copywriters are often asked these questions by clients that include business owners, SEO agencies, digital marketing consultants, web design and development companies, etc. Here we have compiled some of the most common questions and our responses:

Sheetal Pinto - 8/10/2015 20:00

A majority of Gen Yers now consider Facebook as the grandma channel. Despite that, Internet marketing agencies are still pushing their clients hard to use Facebook, both for content and also as an advertising platform. For certain types of businesses, it is indeed true that Facebook can be an effective medium to reach a wide audience, globally.

Sheetal Pinto - 8/4/2015 20:00

Not if You Are Paying to be Invisible!
Great content requires distribution and marketing. Organic content distribution i.e. that which grows on its own because of seemingly unrelated work or free marketing activities can be slow and arduous. It is often tempting simply to pay for exposure or pay to advertise rather than struggle to grow the number of friends or followers, build your community, or develop an email list over time.