September 2016

Sheetal Pinto - 9/28/2016 20:00

Tips from Experienced SEO Copywriters in Toronto
Once upon a time, someone somewhere assumed that meta descriptions have a direct impact on search rankings. They rallied their marketing departments and copywriters and insisted that as many keywords (relevant or otherwise) be crammed in the three lines. The department did as they were told and… nothing happened. No ranking improvement, no jump in website traffic, and no new leads were generated.

Sheetal Pinto - 9/21/2016 20:00

How One Company Improved Leads by More than 90%
Lead generation is top of mind for many marketing and sales executives and digital channels are critical for developing leads and finding prospects. But is your marketing content performing as strongly as it could?

Sheetal Pinto - 9/14/2016 20:00

Strategies to Improve Your SEO Content
As an organization, you have decided to start focusing on content to start now, right? Yes and no. There is no time like the present, but a little patience and thought will go a long way.

Sheetal Pinto - 9/7/2016 20:00

Making the Right Words Stand Out
Looks matter…especially online! They create an impression on users and communicate what your company is about through visual cues. Your marketing content can also benefit from a little visual treatment. Skimming and readability are among the most important factors for creating digital content that converts. So don’t think that once you are done proofreading for spelling and grammar that your work is done!

Sheetal Pinto - 8/31/2016 20:00

Don’t Overlook Rich Results for Your Content
We know, we know - you just got the hang of SEO and are feeling excited about how your website, social media, and content calendar are coming together. We don’t want to dampen your spirits, but there is always room for improvement.