December 2016

Sheetal Pinto - 12/21/2016 19:00
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Happy Holidays
Sheetal Pinto - 12/14/2016 19:00

Publish More Innovative and Exciting Marketing Content
Consistency is king, clarity is key… but boring is never good! It’s like the good wife who loved that her husband of 25 plus years called her by a new name every day—Honey, Sugar, Cupcake, Honeybun—how sweet and how exciting she thought, and looked forward to her daily surprise. In reality, the poor husband couldn’t remember her real name after the drunken wedding party! Jokes apart; you may find that, after a full year or several months of creating content for your brand or company, things start to fall into patterns. Ease and efficiency are always welcome in the workplace, but when it comes to creative marketing content, having a routine can become very close to, or even the same as, being in a rut.

Sheetal Pinto - 12/7/2016 19:00

3 Reasons You Win with Diverse Writers
Whether you are looking to work with the best content writers in Toronto or need a new marketing coordinator in-house, consider diversity before you reach out. Having different faces, backgrounds, and abilities is important throughout your business, but it is crucial for the people who are crafting and sending your brand’s message.

Sheetal Pinto - 11/30/2016 19:00

Hire the Best SEO Copywriters for Effective Storytelling  
Every touchpoint with your customers is an opportunity to go deeper than just providing information. If you can connect with them in an emotional way and get across the human element of your business, you are more likely to leave a lasting impression and turn a reader into a follower, subscriber, or customer.