June 2017

Sheetal Pinto - 6/28/2017 20:00

This is the poem read by Shane Koyczan at the opening of the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics. It beautifully captures the spirit of this country, and as we celebrate 150 years on July 1, 2017, let’s together say, “We are more. We are Canadians, eh!”

Sheetal Pinto - 6/21/2017 20:00

Drive the Value of Your Content UP, not DOWN
The SEO copywriters here at MintCopy have exciting jobs. On any given day, our copywriting agency has a diversity of content marketing projects for all types of clients in a range of industries. The SEO content we produce includes everything from posts for CEO and CMO blogs to DIY home maintenance tips to expert advice on avoiding cyber security risks to why your printed circuit board may experience failure, and much more. Needless to say, we learn something new every day and also get to sound like so many different individuals and organizations. SEO copywriting allows us the opportunity to be ghost writers with knowledge and insights into an endless variety of subjects, but always with a distinct voice.

Sheetal Pinto - 6/7/2017 20:00

Useful Insights for Your Business
2016 proved that the evolution and growth of content marketing is unstoppable. The widespread use of ad blockers is an indication that users do not appreciate disruptive and annoying ads, and want the freedom to make up their own minds. In this context, content marketing has assumed greater importance because it remains the only real means through which brands can endear themselves to their target audience.

Sheetal Pinto - 5/31/2017 20:00

SEO Link Building is the Key to Getting Your Content Noticed
Many people make the mistake of assuming that SEO and content marketing are two different entities, and that is a substitute for the other. Nothing could be further from the truth. SEO needs great content to back it up; in fact, SEO wouldn’t work at all without content. Similarly, content marketing without SEO is akin to putting up a stellar stage performance for an empty auditorium. Quality content alone is never enough to help a site rank high on the SERPs; it needs skillful optimization and promotion using the latest SEO techniques. If users don’t find you for relevant keywords on Google, how can you expect them to visit your site and engage with all the great content you have created for them?