June 2023

Sheetal Pinto - 6/29/2023 14:58

Create Content to Engage Your Technical Audiences

Hey there, manufacturing mavens! Welcome to the wacky world of digital marketing, where creativity reigns and humour is the secret ingredient to winning over your technical audience. We get it, and we do understand—your industry may seem as serious as a CNC milling machine, but your content doesn’t have to be the same. There is a way to break the monotony and loosen those bolts of seriousness. Here is our simple guide into the realm of conversational content that will engage even the most technically inclined folks. So, grab your safety goggles and buckle up for a whimsical ride into the world of manufacturing content marketing!

Sheetal Pinto - 6/7/2023 06:00

Picture this: you're out on a beautiful sunny day, casting your line into the deep sea of marketing. But instead of using a regular old worm, you're armed with the mighty power of content. Content marketing is like the perfect bait that attracts your target audience and hooks their attention.