March 2014

Sheetal Pinto - 3/26/2014 20:00

MintCopy Was At Schulich Marketing Association’s Annual Conference—ENGAGE  
It’s always an invigorating experience to be among fresh graduates and young professionals—brimming with enthusiasm, full of questions and capable of some fascinating sparks of wisdom. Add to that the enlightening company of industry experts on content marketing and you have a memorable day of learning and sharing!

Sheetal Pinto - 3/17/2014 20:00

Sheetal Pinto, President MintCopy, Inc. is a panelist for this year's Annual Marketing Conference at the Schulich School of Business.

Sheetal Pinto - 3/10/2014 20:00

Email continues to be one of the mainstays of any Internet marketing strategy. It’s no surprise either, with companies discovering its continued effectiveness for driving traffic, encouraging interactivity through social media, and building / maintaining buyer interest.

Sheetal Pinto - 3/3/2014 19:00

The search engines and your potential customers are looking to you to write more great content than ever before. And to disseminate it widely, across social networks and using social media. For some, producing sufficient content to keep the blog looking busy and the newsfeeds of your followers full of quality copy, can prove difficult, which is why many outsource it. For others, it is a matter of finding the time, rather than the inspiration.