MintCopy Was At Schulich Marketing Association’s Annual Conference—ENGAGE
It’s always an invigorating experience to be among fresh graduates and young professionals—brimming with enthusiasm, full of questions and capable of some fascinating sparks of wisdom. Add to that the enlightening company of industry experts on content marketing and you have a memorable day of learning and sharing!
That is the best way to describe ENGAGE 2014—the Annual Conference organized by the Schulich Marketing Association. The one-day event took place on March 21st at the Schulich School of Business.
Sheetal Pinto, President of MintCopy, Inc. was a panelist for the discussion on ‘Social Media’ during the conference. Here are some interesting and thought-provoking sound bites that Sheetal picked up during the panel discussion and from the Keynotes by Ron Tite and Sean Moffit.
- “You’re a brand. Don’t screw it up.” – Ron Tite
- “Ideas trump technology. Nobody has the monopoly on innovation. You too can disrupt. You just have to try.” – Andrew Jenkins
- “Organizations are trying to do everything all at once in the social media space. The thing is, if you keep adding colours, you will end up with brown (you know…the colour of…)!” – Baron Manett
- “Content will be affected by forces that include: mainstreaming people and location-specific technology, personal sensors, semantic decision making, uber-connection, personalization and smarter use of big data. We will become even faster, smarter, hyper-engaged and tech-obsessed. Marketers need to prepare now for the age of the quantified self.” – Sean Moffit
- “We keep talking about social ROI, metrics and measurement. It’s time to stop and start thinking about Authenticity and Value.” – Sheetal Pinto
- “If you have an opinion, stand by it. Show some personality. Take risks. Don’t kill the fun stuff.” – Ron Tite
- “Content was, is and will always be King; and now, more than ever before, it needs to be in context. Relevance is key.” – Stephanie Marshall
- “There is a dirty little secret in marketing that nobody tells you. And that is—far too many products suck; they are terrible. But as marketers, we have to do our job and market these products. In the end, consumers will vote with their loyalty and their money for the brands that remain relevant to them and resonate with their interests.” – Karen Cleveland
- “You don’t need deep pockets and a big budget to practice effective social content marketing. Your people are your biggest resource; but you need to empower them and get them to buy into your vision and your social media strategy.” – Sheetal Pinto
Schulich’s MBA Program is ranked #1 in Canada by leading publications such as The Economist, Forbes, Financial Times of London as well as a number of global ranking surveys. MintCopy was delighted to be invited as a guest panelist for their annual marketing conference!