May 2018

Sheetal Pinto - 5/31/2018 07:00

Bargain Basement Content Won’t Build Your Brand
Content marketing is the most effective way to cultivate your brand on the internet. Good content has the power to bypass borders and reach consumers from all over the world. The key term here is “good content.”

Sheetal Pinto - 5/24/2018 00:00

DIY Attempts May Not Deliver the Right Results Business is drastically different today than it was “pre-Google” and marketing now hinges on a concept that’s proving surprisingly elusive for many professionals—content. When we talk about content, we are talking about the written and visual material that works to sell, promote, and generate ongoing interest in a brand.

Sheetal Pinto - 5/17/2018 00:00
p>How to Select Blog Topics that Will Make an Impact
Whether you write your blog posts in-house or you prefer to hire professionals and focus on marketing your content, you have probably come to the realization that you need compelling topics to attract readers. Additionally, the subject matter of your posts must make sense with regard to your field of interest and your audience.
If you want to build or grow a consistent readership, you must deliver posts that keep your visitors interested. As content marketing strategist Jean Spencer pointed out, based on research conducted by the Kapost team, 99 percent of marketers assert that a steady stream of ideas contributes greatly to their marketing success. If you feel frustrated because you cannot seem to generate such a creative stream, you are not alone. Another finding from the same study revealed that half of marketers do not have a sufficient supply of ideas to drive their content marketing. If this sounds like you, read below for insights on how to change that dynamic.

Sheetal Pinto - 5/10/2018 00:00

Inspire Your Subscribers to Open, Read, and Act on the Content of Your e-Newsletters
Conveying your brand message is a complex process. In the multifaceted universe of the internet, you cannot rely on one platform to reach your audience. Instead, you must take advantage of as many content marketing channels as possible, from social media to authority sites to email, and more. 

Sheetal Pinto - 5/3/2018 00:00

Understanding Content Marketing vs Advertising
Getting the word out about your brand or product involves a careful balance between advertising and content marketing. To do this properly, you need to know the difference between the two.  Both practices are vital for brand awareness, and they each offer various advantages. If you wish to leverage your copywriting and other marketing materials to get the best results possible, your advertising efforts should be only one part of your overall campaign.