January 2014

Sheetal Pinto - 1/27/2014 19:00

What Content Should You Be Creating In 2014?
Content is evolving, and we all need to move with the times to keep up. No longer is content creation simply a matter of hammering out a blog post on a hot topic, although the need for great copywriting certainly will not go away any time soon. It is also about looking to create content of different types – visual assets such as video images, Infographics, and Pinterest pins, short and snappy tweets, social bookmarks, and so on.

Sheetal Pinto - 1/22/2014 19:00

In 2013, Pinterest attracted users in a way many other sites can only be jealous of, to become one of the fastest growing websites ever.  For those who have missed the buzz surrounding the bookmarking site, here are a few reasons why you should seriously consider Pinterest for your content marketing strategy now.

Sheetal Pinto - 1/20/2014 19:00

Quick, Easy And Free Content Marketing Opportunities Using Twitter.
In this piece, we will cover how to build your Twitter presence, find your audience, and socialize.

Sheetal Pinto - 1/15/2014 19:00

For your content to have a positive impact on your business, you need an engaged audience. You must put in the time and effort to build that audience and to do so, you need to have relationships with your readers. Social media has made this far easier than in the past, so ignoring social media will restrict your audience and hence your reach through content marketing.

Sheetal Pinto - 1/13/2014 19:00

Happy New Year!
Welcome to another exciting year of content marketing. Here at MintCopy, we are starting this quarter with a series on “How to Market Your Content in 2014”.