August 2014

Sheetal Pinto - 8/27/2014 20:00

Huh? What? Red Bull and Coke can be good for you? Just because one says, “Open Happiness” and the other one “Gives You Wings”?

Sheetal Pinto - 8/20/2014 20:00

Okay, so we have used this blog post title on purpose, but simply to highlight a problem we have all had in the past - using clichéd titles when in a tight corner or when the creative juice just isn’t flowing.
The good news is that coming up with genuinely insightful blog post topics is not as challenging as you might think. Even a good old list blog post can be great if the content itself is interesting. Here are five ideas that should help you out when that creative spark has fizzled out.

Sheetal Pinto - 8/13/2014 20:00

So you’ve heard of content creation, but what about content curation? Well, if you use the web to share information of any kind, you are essentially a content curator. If you use social media to send Tweets or Facebook updates, you are a content curator and also a social curator.

Sheetal Pinto - 8/6/2014 20:00

Website ads have been around ever since a clever person in the 80’s saw the marketing potential of the Internet. First we had static banner ads, then came intrusive pop up ads and now we have ads that are so intuitive they know what we want before we know ourselves! In short, the Internet is a marketing dream, but it does need to be used correctly.