You've heard the saying, "the whole is greater than the sum of its parts". Take a jazz band for instance. Individually, each musician would probably sound great doing their own thing, but when they come together, feeding off of one another, they create a harmony that is so much more entertaining and memorable.
The same can be said for your content writing efforts. If you are only using one style of writing on your website or other marketing channels, you could be missing out. Did you ever think about getting the rest of your workforce engaged in the content creation process? After all, they know the company, the services or products and the target audience. And they very well may, when prompted, have some really great content ideas.
When you make content writing and marketing a team effort, you open up a whole new vista of opportunities and ideas.
Here are some ways you can motivate your teams, get them involved and really keep your content fresh and exciting:
- Find their strengths - Some team members may be really talented at creating social content while others may be great with video or writing blog posts. Give everybody a chance to shine and you might just uncover a few content marketing gems.
- Create a content marketing knowledge base - Creating a central content marketing knowledge base can help your teams hit the ground running and know exactly what is expected of them. Include best practices, content templates, how-to documents, popular keywords for your industry and other tidbits that can contribute towards making your content consistently high quality.
- Create templates for each piece of content – It makes the task a lot more efficient and definitely faster. By creating templates for each type of content, you can be sure that each writer will deliver your message in a way that mirrors the tone and style of other published content.
Speak to MintCopy today and discuss ways to make the most of your content marketing efforts. Call us at 888-646-8003 or send us an email to find out more.