Many people focus so much on their sales message that they totally forget to include a call to action in their content. The call to action, or CTA as it is often referred to, is your way of telling your audience what you want them to do. At MintCopy, we put a lot of thought into the CTAs we write and ensuring that the audience is left in little doubt about what we want them to do. That might mean reaching for the phone, filling in a contact form or downloading an eBook.
One Shot To Get It Right
The call to action is very often your one shot at encouraging a potential customer to contact you and so you have to make it count. Use a special offer, give some compelling statistics or offer a call back facility that means they don’t even have to pay to call you. The best CTAs are those which are placed in a prominent position on the page - either in bold type (see ours below) or as buttons or graphics. Keep your CTAs short and snappy otherwise you’ll lose your audience before they even reach the first few digits of your phone number.
Get Your Positioning Right
Did we mention how important positioning is? It’s REALLY important. For short blogs like this, one CTA at the end of a brief burst of content is fine, but for longer copy you might want to insert a number of CTAs in case your reader doesn’t make it to the end of the page. Have your web designer make your contact details prominent on each page too as many visitors will just want to get down to business without reading any content.
At MintCopy, we dedicate a lot of time to the call to action as we know this is often the deal breaker - the paragraph that could turn a visitor into a long term customer. Contact us now at 888-646-8003 or send us an email to find out more about getting your CTAs noticed.