But Remember To Have FUN Doing It!
Most of us are so easily bogged down by the pressures of work, family, careers, business, marketing, our health, the traffic, fuel prices...you name it. Try as we may to feel good and positive about life around us, it sometimes takes something as innocuous
as the line-up at the movie theatre to spoil our fun.
It’s happened to you, right? You’ve gone out with friends or a loved one, all excited about watching a new movie, but the traffic slows you down and there are a number of people ahead of you at the ticket counter. Enough to put you in a bad mood? Well,
maybe not always. But surely, we have all had days when we looked forward to having fun with something but don’t.
I recently watched again, this short, fun video. It will make you sit up and think about how we react to everyday situations.
In my line of work, I meet all types of individuals, business owners, educational institutions, non-profit organizations, small and large companies, retail stores, and so on. A common refrain I hear is about how the Internet is putting too many new demands on people. Things we never dreamed of having to do are now part of our daily lives.
Not everyone is complaining though. I do hear folks enjoying quick and easy success with their online business, experiencing the joy of connecting with people via social media, and many other enjoyable activities. In my opinion, it’s well worth it to try everything your time, resources and budget will allow with digital marketing. The important thing is to enjoy what you’re doing. Have FUN!
Here are 5 quick ideas to make Internet marketing fun for you and your prospects / customers:
- Need to send a monthly email newsletter to customers? Be creative and innovative so that it is fun for you to create, and fun for your target audience to read.
- Recognize the need to have an online video about your services? A run-of-the-mill corporate video is not the only way to do it. An entertaining, yet informational video will be fun to watch and may lead to viral video marketing.
- Can’t figure out how to regularly post fresh content on your website? Who says it has to be the same old, boring facts and figures? Tell a story. Discuss a case study. Analyze a successful client relationship. Tell a joke even. Laugh at your company or yourself; there’s nothing wrong with that.
- Want to leverage online public relations? A great news story, though factual, still needs to be juicy. Make your online press release interesting with some details that people may not even be expecting to hear.
- Struggling to drive conversion with your PPC ads? Give people the opportunity to have some fun clicking on your ad. Carry through the fun element to your landing page and website.
Ready to have some fun with your digital marketing? Let’s talk. Call us now at 888-646-8003 or send us an email to find out more.