It Will...If You Know the Ending Before You Begin!
Once upon a time, there was a website and that website had the potential to do some great things for its owner. The only problem was that the owner was struggling a little to write interesting stories and content that would grab the attention of their audience.
Sounds familiar? Writing compelling content can be a challenge, but the solution could be to turn your storytelling technique on its head, or rather back to front. Many writers find it hard to know where to start when it comes to telling a story, so why not start with the ending instead?
“But That Isn’t the Way I Write!”
That’s a fair point. Many writers won’t be able to write this way, preferring instead to start from the beginning and unearth gems of content from their subconscious mind as they move along.
However, starting at the end of the story can still unearth the same treasures. This technique isn’t as crazy as it sounds. After all, in most cases, the ending is the climax to your tale, the moral of the story and usually quite a happy and uplifting experience for the reader. It’s also where most conversions happen. When you know where you want your story to go, and you know what you want, it can make the words flow much more easily.
Recommended Action Steps to Make Your Digital Content Have A Happy Ending
- What is your story about? Are you telling a story about your company, your products or your services? Are you sharing advice or giving away free information?
- What is the purpose of your content? Are you looking to promote, advise or encourage sharing of your content?
- What is the ending? Are you aiming for enquiries, sign ups or sales?
- How are you going to build your story? Always have your end goal in sight and build up to it in a meaningful way. Forget the sales pitch and create some truly meaningful copy that builds up to a climactic ending the reader simply cannot resist.
The best stories are those that are told with the end in mind. To find out more, call MintCopy at 888-646-8003 or send us an email.