Did you know that when it comes to Search Engine Optimization (SEO) the words and content on each page of your corporate website are as vital as the stuff on the back end? That’s right. Search engines rank content not just based on the meta data coded into each page, but also by the copy and content that’s sitting right on the actual page. Content that visitors see is vital to your on-page SEO effectiveness.
Getting the right balance between your front end and your back end content can boost your SEO. Getting a keyword analysis should be the first step you take before developing any copy on your blog or website. Once the analysis is complete and you have a list, one of the most effective ways to check your SEO writer’s work is to do so against this list.
Say that you’re the owner of a sporting goods store. You may sell running shoes, soccer equipment, golf clubs, and kayaks. You have a professional firm conduct a keyword analysis and you find out that although these items are among your highest selling items, people are searching and finding your website based upon searches for yoga mats and racquetball equipment. To drive more of this traffic to your site and to continue to rank high among search engines, you’ll want to fine-tune the copy that is on website for your highest ranked keywords. In this instance, it would be beneficial to get the SEO writer to not only tailor the website copy to the keyword list, but also to write a few blog entries and perhaps the copy for an e-newsletter on the most popular terms.
Remember: a good SEO writer will know the correct ratio of keywords to have in your content. More importantly, the most desired (i.e. traffic generating) keywords will be included in the copy in a relevant and reader-friendly manner. Stuffing copy with keywords makes it meaningless to the readers and suspicious to search engine spiders!