...But Only the Omnificent will Win!
“In this world of omnipresent omnimedia, the most successful companies will be those whose superior content draws consumers routinely and repeatedly”
- Randall Rothenberg, CEO of Interactive Advertising Bureau
These are wise words indeed for any business looking to build a strong brand, secure more business and leap ahead of their competitors. When you think of superior content, what comes to mind? Perhaps you think of a long and detailed blog post that gives your audience valuable takeaways. Maybe you think about a web page that has been expertly optimized with some well researched keywords. Yes, good content is all of this, and more.
Effective Content Marketing is so Much More than SEO and Google Rankings
We live in a world of omnipresent omnimedia where companies are using content across multiple channels to reach and engage their target audience as well as jump up the Google rankings. Content creators today need to think beyond writing for SEO, reach farther than writing long form content, and instead focus on creating innovative content that is valued across all of their channels.
In fact, Google has made it clear that new algorithms being released will reward the content that engages its audience and gives the best user experience. That’s certainly something to take into account when creating your content, especially when your competitors are still continuing with their obsession about using the right SEO keywords. Keywords are only important because they show relevance to a user’s search, but engaging content is of prime importance.
It Worked for Netflix - It Could Work for You Too!
The key to superior content is confidence - the confidence to do something a little differently that will intrigue and engage your target audience. Netflix is a great example of how well good quality content can work. Who would have thought that this Internet streaming service could produce award-winning TV shows that are loved by millions the world over? They had the courage to go with a fairly risky idea, and it paid off. You could do the same. Create exceptional content and watch it go viral.
At MintCopy, we will help you to keep ahead of the latest content marketing trends and your competitors. To find out more, call us at 888-646-8003 or send us an email.