Become the Expert Your Audience Turns to for News and Views they Can Use
Have you been trying to establish content marketing strategies for what is traditionally seen as a boring industry? At MintCopy, we are often approached by business owners and marketing heads at manufacturing and industrial companies, electronics and
telecommunications companies, equipment manufacturers, farming operations, technology firms, and more. When we ask them about marketing stories and news worthy content, we often hear them lament, “We are very boring; we have no stories to share, and
we are scared that our content will put readers to sleep!” That does not stop us from probing and prodding though, because we believe that if you are a profitable business and you have customers, you must have something interesting to share. Your industry
is relevant and useful for your customers, so they don’t find you boring. Now how can you ensure that they don’t find your content boring either?
Even for the most experienced content writers at an established copywriting agency, it can certainly be a challenging task to devise a consistent and effective content strategy for these ‘boring’ industries.
Here are a few content writing methods that work for the pros:
- Relevant Material – Your industry may be a bit of a snooze in your opinion, but your readers are led to your content because they seek information. Consider their presence on your website or blog to be your foot in the door, and supply them with the content they need. Provide content that informs and educates. Think about what the average customer in your industry might look for when searching online.
- Useful Content – Another way to keep your readers coming back is to offer content that is useful to them. Provide tips on subjects that customers frequently ask questions about, and make the tips as actionable and engaging as possible. Publish “how-to” blog posts with step-by-step instructions that your readers can implement.
- Relatable Language – Your average customers might not be knowledgeable about the jargon used in your industry, so keep that to a minimum. Unless you are publishing content in a trade manual for industry peers, try to write in terms that a lay person will understand and find interesting. Share stories about customers that you serve and how you resolve their day to day challenges. You can also talk about mistakes you may have made and the learning you achieved – business owners like to hear honest, meaningful stories that show you really care about serving your customers better.
Why struggle to produce interesting content without help? Meet all of your content requirements by sourcing them from a leading content agency in Canada. The SEO writers at MintCopy provide ongoing website content and a broad range of other content services.
Call 1-888-646-8003 today or email us for information on our services, and explore all of the ways that we can complement your team.