...In The Meantime Show Your C-Suite These Other Benefits
So, you’ve just written some of your best copy and published your work to your company website. A few days later, you have your Chief Marketing Officer breathing down your neck asking you for metrics reports and how many conversions the copy has achieved.
Put your copy on a slow simmer
They say that good things will come to those who wait, and the same can be said for digital content. It’s true that content is highly effective for boosting traffic, sales and profits, but the end results may take a little longer than more direct advertising methods.
It can make your C-Suite a little ‘antsy’ and cause them to wonder whether content marketing is such a wise investment after all. It is, but you may need to distract them away from focusing on the bottom line for a while.
The trick is to keep your executives excited until content starts to produce the results they desire. While you are waiting for this to happen (and with a good content strategy, it will) there are other tangible benefits you can take to your C-Suite to keep them happy.
- Attract top-caliber employees with your content
Who would you rather work for? A company with out of date, badly presented and poorly written copy on their website, or a company that produces engaging, fresh and stimulating copy that sells?
Employees today are becoming increasingly selective with the companies they want to work for and many are citing digital content as a deciding factor in who they send their resume to. By partnering with your HR department, you can find out whether content has played a part in a new hire’s decision to join and present those results to your C-Suite. - Give company morale a boost with good news content
When you have something good to say, whether it’s company news you want to share with the public or details of a new product launch, the feel-good factor is infectious. ‘Good news’ content can work wonders for morale, productivity and instilling a sense of belonging and pride among your colleagues. - Content can create internal buzz
As well as generating a feel-good buzz across your company, excellent content can get your colleagues talking, collaborating and sharing. Whether they are debating the blog post you just published or they are talking about the buzz it is creating on social media channels, content can be a great communication tool—internally and externally. - Good content earns trust
Content isn’t all about enticing visitors to convert. It’s very much about giving them content that they understand, can relate to or that appeals to a need they didn’t know they had. In trusting your content, they will bookmark you, remember you and are more likely to return to you when they are ready to convert. What’s more, trust breeds repeat business through loyalty and new business through word of mouth recommendations.
At MintCopy, we provide our clients with content marketing services that not only deliver excellent conversion results, but which can also allow you to harness the powerful benefits featured above.
Struggling to demonstrate content marketing ROI to your C-Suite? Talk to us at MintCopy and we will show you why good content produces results worth waiting for. Call 888-646-8003 or send us an email.