In the early days of social media marketing, big numbers were a big deal. Brand marketers were hankering after more likes, more shares, more followers, and just more love in general. Today, that craving hasn’t gone away entirely, but here’s a fun fact: 196% of social media users that engage in online conversations about a brand, are not even following the brand. 2Internet users spend a lifetime average of 5 years and 3 months on social media.
So, while you have dismissed it as unimportant until now, don’t underestimate the power of social media when it comes to branding and marketing your business, company, or product. Extend your reach and connect with thousands of prospective buyers via Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Alignable and other social channels.
Take inspiration and learn from these 4 social media success stories:
Power of the Hashtag
Dove is in the business of beauty products and in the early 2000s, they initiated a 3social media campaign dubbed #RealBeauty. Dove was among the first brands to bring attention to less-conventional images of beauty, instilling self-love and self-esteem into their product marketing. The message is widely recognized with reinforcement through clever social media coverage, print campaigns, television spots, and the company website. The idea is so effective and brilliant, that razor-giant Gillette followed suit with a similar campaign geared toward male consumers.
Starbucks and Instagram
Have you ever had a Starbucks Unicorn Frappuccino? The Unicorn Frappuccino was introduced on Instagram, gleaning over 150,000 posts during its week-long release. In April of 2017, this pink and purple concoction was marketed via social media and the public responded, creating a buzz around this sweet treat only offered for a limited time. Its hashtag generated nearly 155,000 Instagram posts during that time period. Consumers hurried to buy their own Unicorn Frappuccino before they were too late, a brilliant marketing approach that had positive results.
Food Trucks and Facebook
When you think about a social media platform like Facebook, it is perfectly suited for mobile businesses like food trucks, who want to keep their consumers and fans aware of their whereabouts. For instance, The Grilled Cheese Truck has created a fan-base of over 50,000 followers - many who patronize the eatery. To keep their wide audience happy, the truck has evolved into a chain of several trucks. They share daily social posts regarding upcoming locations with plenty of pictures of their delicious menu items to keep customers coming back.
Selling Cookies via Twitter
The door-to-door 4Girl Scouts’ cookie sales have been revolutionized with social media, specifically, Twitter. Most Americans identify the Girl Scouts with their annual cookie sales, but savvy marketing professionals noticed that many potential customers were unable to connect with a scout, thus missing out on a sale. To drive sales, the website and social media pages touted the Girl Scout Cookie Finder app from their Twitter account to locate and order cookies.
Want to learn more about the perks of social media? Talk to our branding and content marketing strategists to develop and implement your own social media marketing campaign and schedule. Extend your reach and garner new customers through brand reinforcement and clever tactics using popular social media platforms.
You can reach the MintCopy team using our online form. You can also follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter to stay up-to-date with content marketing trends. Ask us for useful tips on social media content creation and social marketing campaigns.