9 in 10 organizations across industries rely on quality content for marketing. These are the findings of the Content Marketing Institute’s survey of 1000-odd marketers published in its 2012 B2B Content Marketing Report. These results not only make for interesting reading, they provide key evidence of the importance of content marketing for B2B marketers.
- Understand that content plays a major role at every point in the funnel – right from making people aware of your brand, to generating sales leads, to customer loyalty.
- Plan for a comprehensive content marketing strategy and have a dedicated team in place to execute these plans.
- Generate quality content that is search engine optimized for all the communication platforms you use – social media, paid searches and blogs.
- Use content marketing to acquire new customers and create brand awareness. The 2012 B2B Content Marketing Report says that content marketing figures as a valuable tool for customer acquisition and creating brand awareness and also plays a major role in generating leads. So, make sure you take necessary steps to achieve funnel optimization with content marketing.
- Ensure you use credible and intelligently crafted content that sets your brand apart from your competition.
- Use the entire spectrum of content marketing tools available – videos, e-books, surveys, Infographics, webinars, white papers, blogs, tweets and slide sharing.
- Focus on the key aspects: content creation, keyword selection, style selection and visual selection and tagging
- Make sure your website as well as the content you use in marketing follows accepted SEO best practices and standards.
- If you plan on using re-packaged content for different media, do not simply spin content; make sure you tailor content to suit the specific purpose and target audience preferences.
- Take B2B content marketing seriously. It is your best bet at gaining a firm foothold in the crowded online world. Have a dedicated team in place to develop and execute your content marketing strategy.
Many businesses today find that putting together a team exclusively for content management and marketing is not practical. If you face a similar issue, there is an easy way out. Contact MintCopy to know more about how we can help you with content marketing for B2B.