How to Use it for Your Content Marketing Efforts
We live in a world filled with an overwhelming amount of information. It can be difficult to get noticed, especially for small businesses. Try a proven strategy with The Inverted Pyramid (TIP) to help you stand out.
What is The Inverted Pyramid?
Traditionally, it started with journalists and television broadcasting. When you watch the news or read a story in the newspaper, the headline comes first. Why? To grab your attention! Typically, journalists lead with the most attention-grabbing information without giving away the entire story so that you don’t flip the page or change the channel.
How Does this Apply to Marketing?
Conversions are key. Without them, you wouldn’t be in business. You want to draw readers in so that they crave more. Is this what they were searching? Does this make them want to click through and learn more? Hopefully, the answer is yes.
How to Use TIP
Lead with the answer. Lead with the strong point. Don’t be afraid to “give it all away” in this case. TIP is about sprinting to win the race with your teammates following with support.
This helps with SEO. If you lead with an answer, that’s what will show up in a snippet on Google searches. Not only does this boost credibility, it enhances the potential customer’s journey. If they click the link and end up on your site, you want to include the same information, in greater detail. Make sure your branding is on point and that the same question and answer is there. Dr. Peter Meyers, the Marketing Scientist at Moz says, “If you're afraid that that's repetitive, I think the good thing about that is this gives him what we call a scent trail.” If they see the same question, then the same answer with the same company name, it will essentially build trust and confirm they clicked on the right link and came to the right place.
Details Come Next
Getting more in-depth. The assumption is that visitors who have made it this far want more. That’s good news! Quality over quantity is important. You want readers to click through because they want to learn more.
You can avoid the unqualified readers by sharing an answer that isn’t a “one and done” type of answer. Choose something that increases curiosity instead; the eagerness to know more.
Context Step
The most qualified leads will be here. They clicked your link, they’ve read through the majority of the content and now it’s all about the sub-questions and minor details. The supporting knowledge. The expert advice.
Here’s a good place to add a call to action!
Writing with Purpose to Align with the Goal
Avoid thin content. According to Meyers, “you don't want pages that are like question, answer, buy my stuff. It doesn't look credible.” You’re better off publishing content that is well built. Content that is rich and written with intention will garner the best results. Google recognizes this.
The Inverted Pyramid has proven itself to be a powerful idea for content marketing. If used properly, you will be awarded with readers who value your information and your business as a resource.
Are you ready to incorporate The Inverted Pyramid into your content marketing strategy? MintCopy can help! We take your brand as seriously as you do, and we take pride in the results we deliver. Call us at 1-888-646-8003 or reach out to us by email for more information.