More Expert Content Optimization Techniques
Last week, we covered part one of our tips on Strong Rankings for your Digital Content. As mentioned, SEO and the page ranking system are cornerstones of effective digital marketing. This week, we continue exploring some of the most important signals to consider when it comes to Google search engine optimization.
Be Wise, Optimize with Backlinks
In his article, “14 ranking signals you need to optimize for in 2019,” writer Aleh Barysevich lists consistent signals to ensure that your content is visible and successful online. Backlinks are one such signal. They remain a strong indication of authority for Google’s algorithm. Having backlinks from several different authority sites and trusted domains carries a lot of weight for the search engine.
With backlinks, less is not more – in fact, having more backlinks will help improve your SEO ranking. However, quality and quantity go hand in hand. Ensure that your numerous backlinks are high quality. Carrying out regular back link audits is an effective way to ensure that your links are in check, and you’re not getting scammed with irrelevant links, or even blacklisted domains.
Link anchor text is also relevant to SEO optimization. Barysevich stresses that your link’s anchor text should “maintain diversity” and be semantically relevant to the topic of your content. However, when compared to the link quantity and authority, anchor text is a slightly less important ranking factor.
User Experience is Everything
User Experience, or UX, is a bigger part of the digital experience now more than ever before. Having a fast and accessible website is imperative to score a high position in rankings. Good UX will also compel your audience to stay on your content longer and increase your authority online. Here are some tenets of UX that you should keep in mind:
- Page Speed: It’s now an official page ranking factor for mobile. Like users, most marketers know that faster websites are more enjoyable to navigate. You can check your website speed at PageSpeed Insights, a site that measures your load speed and optimization.
- Bounce Rate: According to Google, a bounce is a “single-page session on your site.” This means that a high bounce rate may signify people leaving your site more frequently. However, bounce rates also depend on the type of query a user might have. Try and keep a low bounce rate by ensuring your content is “sticky” and engaging for viewers.
- Dwell Rate: Unlike bounce rates, dwell rates capture how successfully your content captures the time and attention of its page visitors. For Google, the longer a user stays on your site, the more relevant it is for a targeted audience.
Considering these signals when crafting your online presence can have a huge impact on your SEO ranking. At MintCopy, optimizing your content for greater visibility is what we do best. Contact us to learn more about how our writers can help elevate your brand presence online.
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