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Content Marketing Blog

2018: Content Marketing Year in Review

It’s been a year of change in so many ways, including online for marketers. This year, we have walked through many different challenges, including changing algorithms and new ways of engaging with our technology (can we say ‘Hello, Google?’). We have also welcomed new techniques and learnings to make us better content creators, marketers and managers online.

To round up a great year, we are taking a walk down memory lane online and shedding some new light on our old posts. Have a look at our musings, tips, tricks and trending techniques on content marketing through 2018.


Keyword Optimization Guide – Help Search Engines Help Your Audience

  • The key to attracting the right audience without any paid advertising is crafting keywords in your content that rank well and can be optimized by search engines. Read more

Check Your Website Copy; the New Year Has Arrived!

  • A new year means a fresh start. We examined the key trends worth considering for your site, including adding video content to compliment your text, integrating your content across several social platforms and rejecting obvious sales tactics for more nuanced articles. Read more

Dominating Search Engines in 2018

  • New algorithms and updated technology can be tricky to navigate, but aim to make a user’s search experience better. When crafting content, remember to keep voice search and page speed in mind because they are trends that are here to stay. Read more

SEO Copywriting in the Era of Voice Search

  • Voice search may be one of the best things to happen to SEO content writing. A key learning is to remember to write your content with a natural flow, rather than seemingly complicated buzz words and stilted phrases. Read more


Exploring Influencer Marketing

  • Influencer marketing is a great way to build an online presence and broaden your audience. Influencers help increase your visibility and expose your content to more people. Read more

Clean up the Clutter!

  • While it’s important to be relatable, copy that is flowery or excessive can distract readers. Remember to proofread your work, and avoid words like “really” or “a lot” that serve no purpose other than exaggeration. Read more

Want to Increase Sales?

  • Well written content can result in a surge of leads and conversions for your site. Misleading headlines and poor grammar can hinder readership and negatively affect your credibility. Read more

Copywriting Trends in 2018

  • Internet users are intuitively accustomed to seeing updated styles of content. Make sure your content is transparent with its marketing, is optimized for mobile and tells a relevant or interesting story. Read more


Timeless Tips for Digital Marketers

  • Following certain techniques will help you always stay in the game with your content. These include, having ‘evergreen’ or general, reusable text, strong brand awareness and an emphasis on maintaining the loyalty of your original reader base. Read more

Knowing Your Audience

  • Great content is useless if it doesn’t reach the right people. Do your research and use web analytics to find your ideal audience. Once you have carved your niche, a personalized marketing strategy will help you target them correctly. Read more

The Importance of Ethical SEO

  • Manipulating search engines is a bad way to aim for success online. Adhering to SEO guidelines, avoiding copyright infringement and providing quality content is the best method to succeed. Read more

How to Promote Your Epic Content

  • Promoting your content online is one of the best and only ways to increase your visibility. Tips include using paid advertising on social media, email marketing and working with influencer marketers. Read more


Common Productivity Pitfalls for Writers

  • Like with any job, it can be difficult for writers to be productive on demand. Curbing distractions, investing in a file back-up system and even letting go of perfectionist tendencies can help you maintain focus and create great work. Read more

Replace Big Mistakes with Strategies for Success

  • Marketing your content is just as important as creating it. When creating content, remember to focus on relevant and high quality content, while refraining from posting ‘spammy’ social media links. Read more

Poor Headline? Then Your Content Doesn’t Even Matter!

  • Headlines draw people to your posts and inspire them to keep reading. While you want to make sure your headlines are descriptive, don’t be afraid to give a little tease and draw readers in. Read more

Becoming a Thought Leader to Market Your Brand

  • Being an influencer in your industry and a leader online yields valuable benefits for your business. Consistent publishing, thoughtful content, and using social media to forge connections are all great ways to become an industry influencer online. Read more


What’s the Difference? Understanding Content Marketing Vs. Advertising

  • While both are important avenues for online success, they are not the same. While content marketing typically uses media that you own - such as your website or blog - advertising uses media space that you must buy, such as social media. Read more

Email Strategies that Work

  • While it may come as a surprise, email marketing is still one of the most successful ways to reach an audience. Successful email marketing is often relevant, well targeted and actively offers freebies and ROI for its practitioners. Read more

Mastering Content Ideation

  • Effective brainstorming strategies and using Keyword Planner tools can help you move your mind muscles in a progressive direction and keep ideas flowing. Read more

When to Ask for Help with Your Content

  • Having a professional agency can help you proof-read, idea check and constantly update your blog with relevant content. After all, the only thing worse than no content is poorly written content. Read more

The Value of Quality over Quantity

  • Quality content provides a bridge between your company and your audience. Remember that an investment in quality content will give you positive returns for a long time, especially through brand recognition and validity. Read more


Decoding Google’s Related Entity Patent

  • While it provides a great service to users, navigating SEO trends and Google’s search algorithms can be challenging for even the most savvy marketers. Make sure your content is constantly updated and concept oriented, rather than just saturated with keywords. Read more

The Inverted Pyramid Strategy (TIP)

  • The best way to ace the strategy is to lead your headline with the answer. Rather than “giving it all away,” it will invite your readers in and boost your brand credibility, while helping with SEO search success. Read more

Stand Out, Be Outstanding—Your Audience Deserves to NOT Be Bored!

  • It’s important to be authentic when you are writing for your company and know your craft inside and out. A good tip to keep them reading is to be interesting, early on. Read more


Give Your Content Marketing Strategy a Shot in the Arm with Pillar Pages

  • Pillar pages are guides that give organized overviews of what’s available in your site. They give a sense of value and confidence in what’s being offered, as well as help with SEO optimization. Read more


It's not Rocket Science, But SEO Writing Requires A Proven Process

  • The SEO landscape is always changing and can be tricky to navigate. To ace it, make sure you focus on solutions and quality content, over keywords or length. Read more

Your “Fast and Furious” Content Audit Checklist

  • It’s important to remember that not everyone understands your industry jargon. Understandable, relatable and relevant content is a must for any site. Read more

The "Medic Update" - An Overview and Why Your Online Content Quality is So Important

  • With changing search algorithms, quality content is more important than ever. A good tip is to follow the Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness (E-A-T) model that can be understood by all audiences. Read more

Why Your Content Should be Good Enough to E-A-T (Expertise, Authority, Trust)

  • Instead of using big, complicated words, showcase your knowledge and authority through direct language and a brand voice. That will build trust and loyalty. Read more

There's More to Content Marketing than Google!

  • More than 60% of web traffic comes from sites other than Google. Use social media, blogs and sites like Reddit as alternative ways to increase your visibility online. Read more


"Am I Wasting Money on SEO Copywriting?"

  • Producing quality content is the only guaranteed way to consistently pull in customers and increase engagement. SEO copywriting is not only effective for your books, but also the longevity of your brand. Read more

Writing SEO Content for E-Commerce Websites

  • SEO content helps you stand out within online searches. Using blogs, landing pages and product descriptions can significantly increase your chances of showing up on the first page of Google’s search results pages. Read more

Proven SEO Copywriting Tips from the Pros - Part 1

  • The most important takeaway is to write clean, clear and captivating copy. Use different writing and grammar techniques to keep the reader interested and reading your content till the end. Read more


Proven SEO Copywriting Tips from the Pros—Part 2

  • Instead of relying on keyword stuffing, integrate LSI keywords in your content. Make sure you are promoting your content on social media and using the different platforms to your advantage. Read more

Proven SEO Copywriting Tips from the Pros—Part 3

  • Small changes like using sub-headings and smaller paragraphs to make your information more digestible can make a big difference to your readers. Make your introduction count and use tag modifiers along the way. Read more

Tips for Crafting an Online Press Release for SEO Benefits

  • This is where SEO meets PR. Make sure you craft a narrative that engages your reader, rather than just an announcement of facts. Read more

Listen Up Content Marketers! It's OK to Go Off on a Tangent

  • Diverse topics and a larger target market will help your audience grow in an interesting way. Don’t be afraid to cast a wider net when writing your content. Read more


Content Quality Depends on the Copywriter's Skill AND Your Content Brief

  • A good brief is essential to giving your copywriter your desired road map. Remember that it should be actionable, and clearly state your desired outcome. Read more

Everything You Need to Know About the 2019 B2B Content Marketing Report: Part One

  • It’s important to always create content with your consumer as the priority. Educational content and email remain great ways to communicate with your consumer. Read more

Everything You Should Know About the 2019 B2B Content Marketing Report: Part Two

  • Different media and tools are essential to diversifying your content. Images, infographics and video are a few ways to add a new kind of value to your content. Read more

When Your Audience Speaks, Listen Carefully, and Answer Meaningfully

  • Voice commands are increasingly in popularity, but only for simple and direct situations. There’s no need to optimize your entire site for voice commands yet. Instead, anticipate what might be questions you can answer. Read more

Local SEO Content - Yes or No?

  • Ignoring your local presence online can lead to lost revenue. Focus on prospective customers in your local area by defining transactional terms and providing your company’s details clearly. Read more


Optimizing Content Marketing Techniques for Your Dental Practice

  • Getting your brand in front of the right audience can attract more customers to your business. It’s important to always remember who you are addressing, and use an authentic, informal voice when speaking in general. Read more

Educating Your Audience about the Education You Provide

  • Content marketing is one of the most effective ways to reach prospective students. Let your content walk them through their potential journey and showcase testimonials. Read more

Competition Getting Too Hot? Feet Getting Too Cold? Expert Tips to Use Content Marketing for Your HVAC Company

  • The most successful brands create quality content on a consistent regular basis. Having a content calendar and a pool of content ready to publish can lead you on the path to success. Read more

Thank you for following our content and engaging with our team at MintCopy this year. Working with our trained and experienced SEO copywriters can help you maximize the value of your digital content and make your brand a success online.



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